
Wednesday, November 30, 2011


wanna say that i really happy to have twitter!
it's the best thing in the internet i've ever had.
of course except this amazing blog!

Monday, November 28, 2011


you know, now i'm just thinking about changing my blog a bit.
i don't mean my notes but a design.
first of all i wanna change the name of it.
what do you think about it? is it really good or bad idea?
nevertheless it will happen only after the new year comes.
i have a little time!


Misfits 3.04

  a great episode!
  you should watch it!
i can feel you all around
in the silence i hear the sound
of your footsteps on the ground
and my heart slows down
so now i'm...

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

hello everyone who is reading it now!
so, of course you know what is the date today.
it's Thanksgiving Day!

i want to say thank words to my family, my all people who are in my life.
i love you so much!
and i hope that you have a really great and amazing day!
 don't forget to thank your close people!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I have never thought that I can be obsessed with smb unreal. All my past "flames" were always within reach. They could be in the nearest towns to mine, but it's better than to be on the other continent. So, of course I constantly admire different persons such as Ian Somerhalder or Johnny Depp, but I've never gone mad till I passing out because of them. That's why now it's strange a bit to have "fanaticism". 

Nick Jonas really touched my nerve. The only one question occurs to me is "How have I lived all this time without him?". He is adorable! He is kind, witty, gorgeous...Nick is even shy at least that makes him more awesome! The most disappointing thing which hurts me so much is that I will never meet him in person, will never get to know who he is. I don't care about Nick's fame, it's more important what is there inside. For sure his creative work, all he does makes me admire. His music inspires lots of people to do smth which they would have never implemented during their lives. Nick makes them believe that all their dreams will come true one day! He is a changer of the world and it's really cool that such people as Nick exist.

But...I wish my dream about our meet would ever come true...


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

World Diabetes Day

   as you know yesterday we had 
World Diabetes Day.
and for that very day Nick Jonas made a special video.
so watch. you won't regret it.

@Hollyislove it's really fantastic that our world has such incredible people as you.

Friday, November 11, 2011


what an amazing date!!!
did you make a wish?
oh, I did! frankly speaking, there were 3 wishes. maybe it's unfair but who cares? yeah?
i hope you had a super day and made wonderful wishes because such numbers will certainly make your all dreams come true! 
you should just believe!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


i have nothing to tell you about.
just wanna say good night. i hope your day was fine and you did a lot of incredible things.
sweet dreams.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

welcome back!

i have great news!
my Katrin came back to her blog!
really happy to see you here, sweetheart.
i missed your notes sooooo much and it's great to read them again.
never leave this place otherwise how will i get to know anything about your life?
love you a lot! hope we will meet soon. suppose in winter!
kiss ya!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

at last!

it's just 11 days before

film day

oooo. it's so cool when it's night and you needn't go to sleeeeep.
an amazing feeling!
and today i decided to watch some films.
they were...
haha. you were able to notice that "awesome" is my favourite word!
yeeeeeees! it's true!
and it's all because of Nick. he says this adjective too often!!!
but i really like it!haha.
hope you had and still have a great day, evening, night either!
xoxo, Lesya.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

smth on my mind how to start.
first of all, it's always nice to hear some good words about yourself.
it's really good that you guys smtimes wonder what happens in my life.
i appreciate this.
thanx for your questions on
thanx for your messages on
thanks for visiting my page on (especially Masha and Kate)